Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Getting High

Okay, I do occassionally bite when thumped with a meme, but this one from Queer Rant is simple enough not to give me a headache, and I realise I'm kind of misleading my friends with my rather emo recent posts (I'm not that depressed, I just write that way), so I'm doing for a shift of tone.

Anyway, it's back to school again (for once, not brought to you by the venerable, and simply-refusing-to-die LQ). Time to dust off those old (as in a couple of decades old) yearbooks and revisit the pimply, bad-haired days...

Favourite subject:
Chemistry - Yes, I was the geek who loved his molecular structures and equilibrium equations. Not to mention mixing up all sorts of potions that transformed into such lovely colours!

I love English too, just not the way it was taught in schools.

Favourite teacher:
Hmm... never really had a favourite teacher. Liked one of my art teachers because she thought I was good. And then there was this substitute History teacher who was fresh out of college and was rather fetching, though he wore perfume that was so strong we'd always smell him before he arrived.

Worst subject:
History. I loved ancient civilizations but just couldn't do the rote memorisation thing about what trees were planted where during which period of our colonial history, or when did that silly fellow go get himself killed. As much as I love to read, my mind never fails to blank out every time I read my history text books, so much so I'd find myself on one page with absolutely no idea what I had just read in the preceeding page. Heck, make that preceeding paragraph. Almost flunked history.

Almost flunked Pendidikan Moral, too, but that was more a case of me choosing to voice my honest opinion rather than parroting what the education ministry wants to hear. Those people would probably flunk anyone who wants to go see a Gwen Stefani or Beyonce concert.

Sat beside a boy or girl?
A boy, of course. No girls in my classroom. I can't vouch what he is these days, though. For all I know, he's going round telling everyone, "I'm a laaady!"

Hold any positions in school?
You mean besides assistant head prefect, secretary, vice-secretary, treasurer and vice-treasurer of scouts, Interact Club, Photography Club and English Club (though perhaps not quite in that order)?

Well, I was a committee member in the Counselling Club. Mind you, the posts we held were mostly like badges to be put on since there was hardly much activity other than with the scouts and Interactors.

Outside school, I was also president of my buddhist fellowship. Like I tell people, being president only attests to my administrative skills, not my zealousness.

Co-ed or all-boys?
Like, what a seriously biased question. There are all-girls' schools, you know. But yeah, mine was all-boys. Lucky me ;-)

Represent your school in any competition?
I was part of the debate team that made it to the district finals. Thankfully, I was on reserve and only had to make one appearance on stage (my public-speaking skills were, and still are, quite deplorable, which is why I stick to writing... though I have not as much problem pretending to be someone else on stage).

Getting to school:
There were the years when I took the school bus. There were some years when parents picked me up. Then I got my motorcycle license. Hehe.

Still keep in touch with your schoolmates after all these years?
After all these years? I meet up with some of them annually for Chinese New Year and surprisingly, I still get invites to weddings, though we're getting to the age where most of them are done with that (thankfully). Guess it just doesn't become me to go sit in the mamak to watch football, or go drinking beer in a pub and talk about titties.

Did Form 6?
Nah. Did the Australian Year 12 instead at a local college.

Whew. Got through that without any recurrence of adolescent drama. For more of my high school hijinks, just click here.

Oh, and looking at that previous one, Paul was complaining I did not tag him. So, Paul, you're tagged!

And so is Joshua.

And AJ, my high school junior.

And Will too, just to annoy him.

And oh yes, I won't want to be forgetting Geekchic, whose head I very nearly chewed up the last time she tagged me with a meme.

I don't want to be the only one revisiting high school horrors.


pakcik said...

thank god u didnt tag me. ha ha

daniel henry said...

go tag pak cik!

Stephen said...

I used to love history when they taught us ancient history but by the time we got to high school they spent a year teaching us about the industrial revolution. There's only so much spinning jenny I can stomach.

I used to like Chemistry too, but I suspect that kids today don't get the chance to blow up a science lab sink by chucking a big lump of sodium down the plughole and turning on the tap.

Will said...

This is more like it. Haha!

Omg did u go KFC yesterday? Make full use of your card.

adrien said...

chemistry? CHEMISTRY? nevermind.

which all boys was this anyway? don't tell me you're another one of my seniors, cuz god forbid there's another one of you. lol

"Like, what a seriously biased question". i like that. lol

motorcycle?! someone's gotten their fair share of rempit-ing. lol

Ryan said...

When is the Beyonce concert?

drownedglass said...

Your welcome

Like he still has a public blog to show the meme to :P

Spinning Jenny would have been preferable to learning who brought in rubber trees and when and where they got planted them >:(

Like KFC is right next my hotel!

No, I wasn't your senior. Thank goodness, cos god forbid there's be yet another one from my village!

It WAS going to be in November. I assume we can safely talk about it in the past tense now, judging from wingedman's post.

drownedglass said...

OMG, I wrote "there's be yet"!
I really need to go to sleep now...

adrien said...

dear dear. there be yet sleep k? :p

joshua said...

I am still too lazy to go hand in my KFC card form although I have gotten it all filled up already.

And man, OMG I just can't imagine you in your high school prefect uniform. LOL

zacharoo! said...

High school...man....so many stories...nice post. Thanks for sharing.

drownedglass said...

Well, for starters I was slimmer. MUCH slimmer.

But then, I had permanent bad hair days back then.

Hey man, thanks for dropping by. Why don't you share your school stories with the rest of us too? Am sure it wasn't that long ago :)

savante said...

Ws in a high school prefects uniform. Ooh.

Anonymous said...

i love chemistry too, took part in the australian chemistry quiz and got a merit...hehe...

Ganymede said...

Deng blogrolling... Notified a new post only today...

Anyhow, I nearly failed my Moral too. :P

Stupid and useless subject to begin with. My brain can't work on something as useless as this one. :P

drownedglass said...

Ooh indeed!

Australian chemistry quiz? A merit isn't quite a good as a distinction you know ;-)

Queer Ranter:
Yes, I figured you were someone of loose morals...