Sunday, October 07, 2007

Triple Play

I actually got up early on a Sunday morning for this.

10 am: BodyBalance. Aaah...

11 am: BodyJam. Eeeh...

12 pm: BodyCombat. Oooh...

An entire morning of exploring flirtatious feminity, releasing violent masculinity, and harmonising the yins and yangs of the self. All in the self-delusion of doing something to make up for the numerous times I haven't been to the gym this month, for the weeks of fast-breaking indulgence (minus the fasting), and for the week ahead where I'll probably be skipping more gym and indulging in Raya feasting (assuming, of course, I actually make it back to the valley for the holidays).

I'm probably gonna ache for the rest of the week.



Ganymede said...

Eeh, aah, ooh.

Sounds very suggestive for a gym session don't you think? :P

Ryan said...

Wow... you sure you never got dehydrated?

Anonymous said...

it sure sounds like some serious workout session here...

anyway, happy raya, you're celebrating, arent you?

savante said...

Does that mean ws is gonna turn into a tight hottie? Yum yum.

adrien said...

"anyway, happy raya, you're celebrating, arent you?" b


pakcik said...

oh god. i am so going to ask u to come over my place for raya open house..and make sure u bring HIM ;) ha ha..

Janvier said...

Don't think we can ever do back-to-back-to-back already. Only back-to-back. And at 10am in the morning? Following in the footsteps of LiLi kah?

Will said...

3 classes? In one morning? Wow.



executorlouis said...

I love these sort of aches, means the workout is having an effect!

And your ability to dedicate a Sunday morning to the gym impresses me. =p

daniel henry said...

HIM? there's a HIM? WOOOAhz... kekekeke.

Anonymous said...

What do u think of Rachel/Terrence? Never been to their BJ class before...

drownedglass said...

Queer Ranter:
But my dear, gym sessions are always suggestive! ;-)

Well, I kept popping out between breaks to rehydrate so it was okay :-)

Serious indeed.
Yes, I'll be celebrating Raya (if work allows). Hopefully in KL. Sigh

It would if I did this three times a week instead of three times a year.

YES! I do celebrate Raya. The way I also celebrate Christmas and Deepavali. Hey, if it's a holiday, it's celebratory!

LOL. I'll hold you to that, though I doubt I'd be around :-(

I'm crazy that way. Though, fortunately, rarely this crazy. Hehe.

You know lah... what with Fatty Tuesdays and all, desperate measures are called for.

You know, it's called "ache" because you're NOT enjoying it :P

Seriously though, if I had your attitude, I could be as lean/toned as you, but I don't so blah.

HIM being my ex lah.

Actually it was Chris/Rachel. Let's just say I still heart ChingEe when it comes to Jamming in this part of the world. Despite the incessant chattering in Hokkien :P

adrien said...

well i'm still having a hard time imagining you in a baju melayu (songkoks and sampins to boot) kneeling down at the living room and asking for forgiveness from relatives and friends, collecting duit raya, entertaining waves of guests, and doing the same thing over and over again for the next following week.

hope your work allows. ;)

Janvier said...

And we were thinking of another Rachel!

drownedglass said...

Well, to even imagine that you'd have to know what I look like. Which, I'm kinda hoping, is not something you'd google up so easily :P

But I think a lot of people who do know me would agree that I'd look perfectly natural in a baju melayu, even though I've never worn one in my life :)
