Monday, October 15, 2007

Be A Man. Do The Right Ting!

Sometimes I wish I lived in the good old days, when life was simple. Back in the times when trees were abundant and it wouldn't matter if the day was hot because nubile young men would be out and about with nothing but their sarongs on.

Alas, those days have long gone. Trees have given way to concrete blocks and we've now evolved from simple village folk to decently clothed and covered prudes who scurry from one building block to another to stay away from the scorching heat of the afternoon sun, lest we burn our perfectly fair and radiant skin.

It is a world where air-conditioning is a god-send.

Admittedly, I welcome air-conditioning almost as much as the next person. I say almost, because I am one of those rare people in the valley who find the need for air-conditioning serious enough to actually install one in my apartment. Cost is one factor, but more than anything else, I simply do not want to become dependent on needing to chill the air to 16 degrees Celcius before I can have a good night's sleep.

I find it rather funny, not to mention strange, just how much people in this part of the enjoy air-conditioning. They sleep with the temperature control turned down so low, just to enjoy the feeling of snuggling up under a thick blanket. Of course, they wake up feeling cold in the morning, which means a water heater for the shower has also become a must.

Imagine that. Hot water showers. In the land of heat and humidity.

All that energy being spent, cooling down and heating up and cooling down again. We all know this comes at a cost. And most people are happy to foot a high electricity bill for these luxuries. But the cost isn't just about money.

Electricity is generated here mainly by either hydroelectric dams or coal plants. Each taxes the environment in their own ways - hydroelectric dams are built at the loss of large areas of forests, while coal plants simple pollute the environment.

Think all this doesn't affect you? Think again.

Air-cons are basically heat exchangers - they work by taking the heat from the room and putting it elsewhere, ie. outside the room.

So while we may complain about how it seems to be getting hotter by the year, we do not see that the more we use air-cons to cool ourselves, the more heat we're putting out into the environment. And there really is a lot of air-cons installed.

So guys, the next you turn on the air-conditioning, just remember: you don't really need to be putting on a jacket at the office. Not when we're this close to the equator.

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day
More blogs on the Blog Action Day website. Apparently, over 15,000 blogs are in!


Anonymous said...



adrien said...

oh crap. i missed blog action day.

must've forgotten all bout it while snuggling in blankets yesterday. slipped my mind too when the warm sensation went down my back in the shower. :p

but on a more serious note, i shall cut down on the AC indeed. (i actually take hot AND cold showers, one after the other.)

Anonymous said...

if only everyone realise. =)

Janvier said...

And we were wondering where were the bits about you being back home.

Anyways. Love our A/C, do leave it on timer when we remember. :P And can't do anything about the office A/C when it's centralized.

Anonymous said...

hmm, you have definitely hit the nail, i should so cut down on ac and hotshower when i get back...

so i guess you wont be getting the god-send electrical any time soon huh?

savante said...

You had me at nubile men running about in sarongs.

Anonymous said...

Go Captain Planet !

Ganymede said...

Hahhaha. I thought this post would have something to do with Russell Peters. :P