The Sin Escape
I feel so lucky to live in country with men of upstanding character. People who would not bow down to something as flimsy as populist opinion but hold true to what they know to be right and true.
Kudos to those fellows who so politely requested the mayor of KL to do what is necessary to ensure the good people of the valley are not corrupted by the dreaded budaya kuning.
Stefani, they say, must be stopped.
According to one of them, “This concert does not bring any good to Malaysians except invite youngsters to enjoy themselves, mix around too freely, get drunk and commit sins”
Of course, the good man has not, himself, ever attended a Stefani concert. He is too fine a man to stoop to so guilty a pleasure. He has, however, seen "pictures on the Internet and advertisements on television".
I can only imagine the horror the poor guy must have been put through seeing such pictures and advertisements. No doubt they must have showed him in painfully explicit detail the debauchery that goes on at such concerts. Why, youngsters are enjoying themselves! Actually enjoying themselves! How can parents allow this? How can our mayor allow this?
And the sins being committed? Well, it must surely be too horrific for him to explain what dire, diabolical sins that are carried out in the concert arena, right here on our very own hallowed soil. I'd rather not imagine it, but what if she shouts? Or, heaven forbid, jumps around on stage?
Oh and it gets worse. News is, Beyonce's coming as well! And not only is she from the wicked west, she's black. With bigger boobs.
I think our country's gonna collapse very soon.
It's quite scary that such things are happening right here in our tolerant, peace-loving community. Surely we need to wake up to threat of such negative forces that threaten to tear apart our way of life, one that we know and love?
Oh, our moral guardians. What would a country be like without you?
Kudos to those fellows who so politely requested the mayor of KL to do what is necessary to ensure the good people of the valley are not corrupted by the dreaded budaya kuning.
Stefani, they say, must be stopped.
According to one of them, “This concert does not bring any good to Malaysians except invite youngsters to enjoy themselves, mix around too freely, get drunk and commit sins”
Of course, the good man has not, himself, ever attended a Stefani concert. He is too fine a man to stoop to so guilty a pleasure. He has, however, seen "pictures on the Internet and advertisements on television".
I can only imagine the horror the poor guy must have been put through seeing such pictures and advertisements. No doubt they must have showed him in painfully explicit detail the debauchery that goes on at such concerts. Why, youngsters are enjoying themselves! Actually enjoying themselves! How can parents allow this? How can our mayor allow this?
And the sins being committed? Well, it must surely be too horrific for him to explain what dire, diabolical sins that are carried out in the concert arena, right here on our very own hallowed soil. I'd rather not imagine it, but what if she shouts? Or, heaven forbid, jumps around on stage?
Oh and it gets worse. News is, Beyonce's coming as well! And not only is she from the wicked west, she's black. With bigger boobs.
I think our country's gonna collapse very soon.
It's quite scary that such things are happening right here in our tolerant, peace-loving community. Surely we need to wake up to threat of such negative forces that threaten to tear apart our way of life, one that we know and love?
Oh, our moral guardians. What would a country be like without you?
I know!!! I feel SOOOOOOOOOOO blessed that there are moral guardians as such taking care of me, ensuring that the moral values instilled in me in the 11 years of formal education doesn't get eroded by budaya kuning. Oh, not to mention, with the presence with these moral guardians, NO ONE would DARE rape innocent schoolgirls, murder foreign women and of course, no one would DARE give in to the temptation of getting giving and receiving bribes.
OMG We think alike! We should publish blogs!
Oh yeah we do :P
Your moral guardians saw fit to ensure that the sauna/steamroom/jacuzzi at my hotel when I stayed in KL were single sex.
I don't believe the effect on my morals when I used the facilities was what they had in mind.
Rape? Murder? Bribe? Whassat?
-blinks eyes bimbonnecently-
Great minds and all that, mate :-)
Oh yes. They even thought to keep up with the times by introducing good clean discotheques, where of course, only males are allowed in ;-)
Lol, guess Malaysia wanna be advance but religious teachings intact? That is so absurd coming from a group who only knows one religion but do not accept others and not try to open to other possibilities.
If religion is so important, why not ban the movies from the west, music from the west and go local, i am sure Malaysians in particular will go crazy, suicidal hearing innuendos chanting that seem unbearable in the mornings!
Even Rap Boy they cant handle for weeks, yet to introduce teachings where there is a whole wide world out of small Malaysia.
Taking bribes to shut the mouth? I bet, it;s a whole black market, everything is so PERFECT here aint it.
Malaysia's 50th birthday? A joke to begin with.
surely our country will drop like fly if there is a "costume malfunction" =P
"not shout and jump"? weird.. wouldn't that be like in a motionless & mute concert..
these people are doing such a wonderful job
Let's ban Jom Heboh concerts too cause it invites youngsters to mix around freely.
oh... while they're at it...
why not the National Parade as well cause it invites EVERYBODY to mix around freely, and on top of that it involves lots screaming, shouting, jumping and people in garish costumes :P
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