Monday, October 09, 2006

The Phantasmanaut

We were parked at the job site, half of the work team outside, doing whatever it was they were doing. Another colleague sat in the pilot's seat.

"Wanna try driving this thing?" he asked.

Well, hell yeah.

So, in our mirrored helmets and silvery suits, we got the space pod aloft and flew around the surface of the moon.

You'd think the moon would be a cold and desolate place. Actually, it was busy. Real busy. Rows of shops clustered in the business centres, many of them coffeeshops or mamak restaurants with their bright unimaginative signboards, all packed with the supper crowd that spilled into the streets and the alleyways. Of course it was a supper crowd. It was always midnight on this side of the moon.

Which was when I realised something was really odd. I mean, here I was in my nifty space pod, dressed in my fabulous spacesuit, yet out there were a hundred or more people talking and laughing and eating their maggi mee goreng or roti pisang, and wearing nothing but their pasar-malam-purchased t-shirts (or singlets) and shorts. What about oxygen? Is it not way below freezing? No need protection from radiation meh?

Oops. Been dreaming way past my wake-up call again. Damn.

Strange how it was that I dreamed of being out there. Like, way out there. Was it all the travelling I've been doing? Could it be that some subconscious part of me misses site supervisory work? Maybe it's a premonition about our nation's first astronaut (hopefully the poster boy, of course) having to endure space without roti canai? Or Wingedman's frequent chatter about flight stimulation simulation?

Maybe it's a sign it's time to take a break and get away. Far, far away.


daniel henry said...

oh yes. good. go for a long holiday. and i mean travelling with no work on the other side waiting for you. we all deserve it. =)

Jay said...

Or stop eating all that Cheezy BBQ meltz so close to bedtime.

savante said...

Dang. And you didn't see the hot Malaysian astronaut in his skivvies?

khalel said...

Love the random thoughts in this site! hope to read more from you man! Stay blessed and pretty!

cain & abel said...

Very good read indeed. Sometimes i do find myself screaming to break free from this mundane life inside too ;p

Will said...

I'm sure it means that you're not getting enough sex or something. Maybe you should go get laid and then see what kind of dreams pop out.

khalel said...

lolz @ wingedman!

drownedglass said...

LOL. Generally, I don't consider anything with work waiting on the other side a holiday!

Hey, I've been good... haven't had Cheezy BBQ Meltz in ages! Maybe for supper tonight...

No lah. I suppose I made it out there before he did :P

Welcome! I'd probably have to sell my soul for good looks - so yes to pretty but I'm gonna have to give up blessed ;)

Hello! It's very mundane isn't it. Maybe that's why we like reading about what other people are up to. Hehe

LOL. Maybe then I'd get a good night's sleep huuh? Anyone you wanna pimp on me?

Anonymous said...

Travelling to the moon would be so cool, but I expect will always just be a dream. I am starting to hope though that I might be able to travel to space in my lifetime. I could probably do it in about 5 years if I sold the house (and presuming that Virgin Galactic actually happens on schedule). Obviously I'd have nowhere to live when I came back down to earth, but still...

Sam said...

Did you eat too much before bed or did you just take too much of that syabu? LOL! =P

I'm just guessing you overworked. =P It's me the one who's high on coke. LOL!