Monday, October 16, 2006


Sometimes, it is enough to tell oneself so.

Faking it with conviction, hard enough for long enough, and perhaps one may just convince oneself that it is indeed true.

Sometimes it is enough. But only just sometimes.


Anonymous said...

A very poignant entry. I have been in my own make believe happiness for years and it's starting to loose its magic. Nothing could ever replace true happiness. I hope you will find yours soon.

drownedglass said...

Thanks for the insight. Which prompted me to add that last line :)

Hope you find yours soon too

Will said...

For everything else, there's Mastercard, darling!

Anonymous said...


So cheem :S

savante said...

Willa is right actually :)

But hey, hope you find your rainbow soon.

Spot said...

You have 70 shirts! That's enough to bring a smile each day. :)

Sigh. It's a choice, innit?

Which is why I live by the following -

You have to laugh at yourself, cause you'd cry your eyes out if you didn't.

I wish life was kinder to us dreamers.

Anonymous said...

here's a postsecret moment:

i tell myself that i am happy, but sometimes i wonder how real happiness feels like.

Anonymous said...

in search of happiness...we all do.
a sultan ones say...everyone aims at same meaning, but many are the versions of the story...
550 years later
thr was a man said that happiness is an option, we choose what we became n make believe of is not easy, which is true , but it is an option.....
it was then i knew happiness was not a destination ,it was a journey of life,how we live.,n not just "one day i find..." . was more than just finding yr true happiness , we had to felt the deepest part of our self ... to felt every emotion that we had inside... even it was the thing that will break, bend, kill or drowned us.... a part of life that we was that thing we had to learn and this thing we came to love ...till then i am grateful to every breath i had wif love.i may live in very minimal world but i choose to have maximum love until i 'forgot' how to is a long way to go, the hardest way to face thru...but i'm okay wif what i have been given....
if..........anything does not go the way we want..i would probably agree wif widgeman..for evrything else there was mastercard...unfortunatly i don't have i go wif for everything or anything thr always cash.! (let's go shoping!!)...
just kidding ard...

yr sincere....
m , middle earth, no..not sauron place, just next to the shire....sauron place got jerebu!

darn ed said...

fake it till you get it ? life is a bitch.

having said that, i do think most things are transitory. After a few fakes, surely a real one will come a knocking. Till then, swipe, baby !

thompsonboy said...

Will there be something waiting at the rainbow's end?

Anonymous said...

Poor baby, come down JB I belanja you kuay chap. The kuay chap might not bring happiness but it sure will bring contentment and a full stomach!


Jay said...

I don't think anyone is ever completely happy, anyway.

You write wonderful prose and now I see, marvellous poems. You take good photos. You're smart. You have good friends. And you have seventy shirts.

It may not be enough for you, but it's not a bad list.

drownedglass said...

Oh, don't I know it. But I'm so in need of PLATINUM!

Don't worry. I'm a shallow man hiding behind cheem cheem words :P

Finding it is one thing. How to catch it is the problem.

I agree - laugh at yourself. And as a bonus, find friends who'd dare to laugh at you in the face as well. It helps put things into perspective :)

Oh there're many types of happiness. Just becuase you haven't experienced certain forms doesn't mean you haven't known it.

Wow. That's left me speechless so I gotta pinjam geekchic's words.

So cheem.

Yes, practically everything's transitory. And the more I swipe, the more transitory my monthly pay becomes!

I need a sugar hubby. Yes, that's it!

Who knows eh?

LOL. Thank you very much! However, as content as kuay chap may make me, I have never gotten a full stomach by eating it :P

Aww, thanks Jay. But 'seventy shirts' was really just poetic license la. "Fourteen shirts, five singlets and eleven tees, most of them from FOS or bought at heavily discounted prices" just wouldn't have been as effective.

Not that I have actually counted.