Friday, October 06, 2006

Oh Look. Still Him

Once in a while I get desperate enough for some reading material, any reading material, while I have my lunch that I'd actually resort to buying a mag not printed for the sole purpose of showing off hot men. So I picked up a local rag today that I do read every once in a while because they do unearth some pretty cool things every now and then. Of course, mags like these would more likely feature some hot women than a hot male.

Or so I thought.

From the Oct 2006 issue of KLue

And by hot male, I didn't mean Kenny (no offense, but...).

Well, I guess it really is cool to be gay. But we already knew that, didn't we? ;-)


savante said...

That's so cool! And Jay SO rules!

Will said...

Ooooh! Jay finally getting published!!

What else does it say about Jay, hon? You should have posted up some choice comments that Kenny Sia had.

Jay said...

Oooh :-p Yalor - tell more lah. I know what I said, but I have no idea what else is there.

Spot said...

Gawd. Kenny Sia is everywhere isn't he? Like a cockroach.

drownedglass said...

Well... to be honest, the article doesn't do Jay enough credit. I suppose I can't actually reproduce the article so I'll give you the gist of it here :)

The introduction goes that Jay's blog is "largely about his experiences as a tight T-shirt-wearing boy who likes boys, and the lengths he goes through to keep his love for 'sausages' a secret from his conservative Chinese parents".

C'mon. Anyone who follows Jay knows it's SO much more than that! But he does recommend it for reasons that involve words like "hilarious diva-like antics", "very gifted artist", "ingenious abstract illustrations" (am I wrong to think that Jay's work is far from 'abstract'?) and "serious dose of narcissism". However, he does call it "one of the most entertaining blogs around", to which I'm sure many will nod their heads.

I have no idea how many questions he threw at you, Jay, but the ones that got printed were:

1. What are you doing answering calls for a living?
2. How's the gay scene in London compared to KL?
3. Doesn't your mother ever suspect?
4. Do you always have an intellectual conversation with your mirror, your weighing scale, your bowl of rice and your tight T-shirt?

I'd give the answers but they sound so much better coming from Jay ;-)

Sam said...

LOL! It's time for Jay to shine! =P