Saturday, June 28, 2008

Making SENs

Spam. Eggs. Noodles. The kind of dinner one has when one's Chinese and is a student living away from home with little money to spare. Or if one, like me, is Chinese, a salaryman, single, lives alone at home, and, on some days, really can't be stuffed to be eating at one of the few almost decent eating places dotting one's neighbourhood.

Thankfully, the few things in my fridge were enough for me to cook up a few twists on this Chinese collegeboy classic. Here are three (cos that's all I've managed):

The typical spam and egg noodles, just that I've thrown in a bit more stuff to round it off. Boil dried mushrooms and dried shrimp to make the soup base and cook instant noodles in it (practically any flavour you like, though I was using Mamee Duck Noodles). Throw in some of the soup flavoring that comes with the noodles, but not all of it, since the mushrooms and shrimp already flavor the soup. When it's done, throw in some pickled chinese cabbage.

Fry an egg and two or three (or more) slices of lanciao luncheon meat to go with the noodles.

Boil noodles, drain and set aside.

Fry chopped garlic with dried shrimp and cubed luncheon meat until fragrant, then add french beans and carrots with a sprinkling of water. Add oyster sauce to taste. Mix a large pinch of cornflour into a small bowl of water and add this into the wok when the vegetables are cooked. Bring to a boil, turn off the fire, and stir in an egg. Pour over the noodles and serve.

Throw on a handful of meat floss as well, if you want, for some added oomph.

Boil some beans till almost done, then add noodles and boil until everything's cooked. Drain and toss in a combination of sesame oil, dark soy sauce and oyster sauce.

Fry chopped garlic and sliced mushrooms until it smells nice and chinesey, then throw in mashed-up luncheon meat and fry some more. Turn the fire down low. Beat an egg and pour it over the lot, then fold the egg to cover. Serve it on top of the noodles.


Sure, it's nothing as mama-at-home-style cooking as what Ry has been busy with lately, but heck, he's cooking for someone while I'm cooking for one. Sure beats having plain instant noodles any day, though, and not all that much more work.


savante said...

Spam. Yum. Nothing I love more than luncheon meat and it's the star of my economy rice packets. :)

Love Maggi but I usually keep instant noodles for the late nights when i'm stuck at work with nothing else to eat.

Wandernut said...

Oh my! Useful stuff! Now that I'm living alone too! :)

Spot said...

SEN olio

Slice luncheon meat into strips.

Slice garlic, onion and carrot into long thin slices.

Put a pot of water (add lots of salt) to boil.

Fry garlic, onions, chilli flakes in a good slug of olive oil until wangi. Add luncheon meat, brown. Then add carrot.

Pop noodles of choice into boiling water.

Turn off fire (for the pan, not the pot) and let the flavour develop in the oil.

Beat an egg well, season with black pepper.

When noodles done, drain, chuck egg mix into the pot with the noodles and stir through to let the leftover heat cook the egg.

Fire up the pan (not the pot). Add another slug of oil, when hot, throw in noodles and stir.

Serve with a sprinkle of fresh parsley or basil.

Wandernut said...
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Wandernut said...

This recipe is not tested, but I kinda imagined it.

SEN Cold 'Soba'

Beat egg with some soy sauce, sugar and spring onions. Make an omellete (how do you spell this!), let cool, slice fine and set aside.

Mince luncheon meat and fry in some oil till crispy and crumbly.

Cook noodles in hot water and oil (so they don't stick), rinse in iced water and drain.

Put on plate, slug some soy sauce and sesame oil over, top with fried minced spam and sliced omelet (still can't spell) serve with wasabi on the side and julienne spring onions.

Ry said...

OKla OKla, next time i cook i pack bento for you k.

love u long time.

Anonymous said...

i like the third one, and seriously, i hope u didnt eat them all in one day...