Monday, July 07, 2008

Mama Mia!

My, oh my.

Not even halfway through the top twenty of So You Think Can Dance Season 4, and, oh my gawd... already that crazyawesomequirkygenius *takes deep breath* breathtakingmindbendingamazingbeautifulbeautifulbeautiful choreographer Mia Michaels is Delivering. Yes, that's with a capital D!


I'm gonna shut up now cos really, her stories are so much better than mine.

This has got to be the best start to the show yet. Heck, fabulous diva runway coach extraordinaire Ms J even made a cameo appearance in it! Oh wait... was that Chelsea T???

I love emo stories like this. All that weighty baggage condensed into such small movements! Almost made me cry except I was too busy whooping over that 'assisted run' across the stage :P


Legolas said...

I like Mia's choreography, so good. Have you seen the next few episodes? Good things are yet to come...

drownedglass said...

Well I'm up to the episode with 'The Bed' and of course, the following results show. Gonna catch up on the latest shows soon :-)

Anonymous said...

i want i want i want!!! any cuties there?

drownedglass said...

For sure you can get it, b :-)
Cuties... well there's one hot guy and one interesting looking guy... but the one I thot was cute was the first to go, luckily not before he had his pants pulled down on stage, haha