Monday, December 10, 2007

December Dealing

Time really flies when you're busy as a bee. It's already nearing the middle of December? Heck, how did the whole damn year go by just like that?

It was only last weekend when I realised the year-end sales were in full swing. Funny thing is, year-end sales for most people is about gifts and clothes and shoes and bags. Somehow I've managed to gloss over that pretty much (although I did spontaneously buy a pair of shoes last week, but that's something I'd do even on a non-sales period). Instead, I found myself hunting for things with three-figure price tags, if not four. After discounts.

Well, I honestly couldn't watch Wingedman populating his new pad prettily without being drawn into the whole "let's see how I can do up my place a little more" routine, could I?

Granted, my place justifiably needs a lot more doing up. My store room's still a junkyard and my kitchen... well, let's just say it isn't quite one still. But my focus is currently on my almost-but-not-quite complete living spaces.

Thankfully, I've been budgeting for a new TV these last several months. Yes, it's finally time to upgrade from my almost portable 14" mini that's been with me for 8 faithful years (even surviving that break-in, which is why I say it's almost portable). After checking out the price difference between picture-frame-perfect LCD TV's and the modern slim-design (but still bulky) CRT TV's, I figured the RM2,000 I'd save could go into my kitchen budget.

A perfectly good plan, until I realised that slim as it may be, a 29" CRT needs more serious furniture than the plywood DIY cabinets I've been using as a TV console. Oh well, at least I can still get a branded CRT (even one that pretends to be an LCD TV, at least on the face) and a branded TV cabinet, all for less than the cost of a 32" LCD TV. I could save even more I guess, but I've looked at cheaper options for both the TV and the TV cabinet, and I gotta say none of them tickles me gonads.

Looks like it's gonna be another long while more before I finally do up my kitchen. Or my store room.

Sigh, home ownership = no money in the bank.

Here's hoping for enough bonus this year to help cover the bills, what with the personal and car insurances due, the TV and cabinet I'm getting, the other stuff I'm wanting to get, and the all-in-one printer I just got (damn PC Fair!).

Oh, and that little beach holiday I'll be having to wrap up an already amazing year :-)


daniel henry said...

wooo... banyak belanja!
are we using digital in KL now? HK is urging people to change tv sets to the digital version de. in 2 years time all digital only lu. how advance.

Anonymous said...

it's high time you change that TV set of yours and be more of a couch potato than before, think of all the indulgence you will get, watching your fave tv on flat screen, eating a tub of B&J, and lying down on the couch...

it will be even better with home theatre system...

so start saving, dude...

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Been following (and enjoying) your Blog and I have just moved into my own house too and am having my bank savings account at amount "zilch" (Never expected all the hiden costs). Anyway, good luck and things would pick up for the better over time : )


Ganymede said...

I've been thinking of renovating my room too. :P

adrien said...

forget the tv system. i'm even having such a hard time deciding on wall paint!!!

savante said...

Buy! Buy! Buy! It's a sale and it's discounted!

thompsonboy said...

Getting sands in shoes...somehow that's the best wrap up for all that is happening or going to happen.

Who cares for those things (at least for day) when there's such thing as wave and sun.

God, I need a drink. Like now.

drownedglass said...

daniel henry:
Digital's kinda catching on these days, I guess, but it's damn pricey. In any case, I'm getting the soon-to-be-archaic 'analog' CRT :P

LOL. I only wish I could get B&J here ;-)

Hi. Thanks for dropping by. Hope the house furnishing and decorating's been going well for you :-)

Your room, huh? At least that's not too hard. Be like absolutely everyone and head over to Ikea! Hehe

Haha. Wall paint was an easy (and quite obvious) choice for me.

I would if I could but I have only so much cash. Heck, I have only so much credit!

Is it not? Start the year with a coastal business trip and end it with a proper beach holiday. Yay!

pakcik said...

u should come over my place and see how messy it is. now, again, under rennovation for the 3rd time. crazy right???

haha..entah la.

Will said...

I'm gonna have to watch the sales pass me by sadly....

The good thing about furnishing a new house is that you now have less priority on wardrobe than, say, rugs.

Anonymous said...

sale is sin! i spent close to 1k already on the stupid warehouse sales and is going to another yet again tomorrow!

wingedman: saw u at the FJB's sale. :)


Unknown said...

agree with wingedman :)

aaah...home ownership.all the best at deco :)

drownedglass said...

Haha. Well if you can afford it, it's alright. Wanna sponsor my renovations as well? ;-)

LOL. And that's a good thing because...? Like, you can go out wearing a rug?

Aww, you should have totally gone up to him and said hi. Then ask him to take a photo of you and show it to me :P

Well, right now my place is a disaster area (and I mean more than it usually is), while I'm working on the decor...