Thursday, November 08, 2007

Memorable Musical Moments

Ah, The Man has tagged me with yet another meme. Well, I'm not saying I'm not doing it but, erm... it's going into my KIV tray. Indefinitely :P

Meanwhile, since my last post, musicals have been playing in my head. So I'm gonna pull out a few of the more memorable (as far as I'm concerned) scenes to share. Haven't caught as many theatre musicals as I would have liked, so I'm gonna throw in some from the movies too.

Belle (Beauty And The Beast)/Good Morning Baltimore (Hairspray)
"There goes the baker with his tray, like always, the same old bread and rolls to sell. Every morning just the same, since the morning we came to this poor provincial town"
"Good morning Baltimore, there's the flasher who lives next door, there's the bum on his bar room stool, they wish me luck on the way to school"

These two share a spot, since they're so similar. Perky girl wakes up in the morning and goes out, all bubbly, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, and sings her hellos to every fucking person on the street.

How fun!

Peron's Latest Flame (Evita)
"We have declined to an all-time low, tarts have become the set to know"

The one I watched was the movie (actually a feature-length MTV) starring Maddy. Aside from the superbly bitchy lyrics, this particular scene stands out in my memory thanks to that full-frontal shot of strapping, young, well-endowed army lads showering. Well, yes, they were clad in towels. But those towels were small. And white. And wet.

Very wet.

With One Look (Sunset Boulevard)
"To my people in the dark, still out there in the dark"

With the lights off, and Norma Desmond singing directly to the audience, you just know she's singing to you, for you. All of us, sitting out there in the dark.

Best tribute to the audience ever!

Overture (Phantom Of The Opera)
Tuh... tuh tuh tuh tuh tuh...

Like, so there are no lyrics. Just that famous Phantom pipe organ piece. But who's listening to lyrics, when the chandelier lights up and floats out and up above the audience, as the stage transforms before your very eyes into the Paris Opera.

Sheer theatrical magic, and an unmatched opening!

Finale (Les Mis)
"To love another person is to see the face of God"

Starting off slow, with Valjean and his regrets, he is soon joined by whine and whinier, erm... Cosette and Marius. My favorite part's where the spirits of Fantine and Eponine sing him to death. In perfect harmony, mind. Then the entire cast appears, marching behind a gauze curtain to close the show with Do You Hear The People Sing.

Revisiting the major musical themes and then bringing the entire cast on stage to render a rousing finale. What a way to end a brilliant show!


savante said...

Loved the finale for Les Mis as well but my fave is still the Phantom with their Masquerade!

Anonymous said...

you musical freak...

Stephen said...

I was watching that particular Evita moment on TV just the other day.

Several times.

Janvier said...

For Evita (yep, also only Maddy's take) we loved Another Suitcase In Another Hall bestest.

It always got us all touchy-feely-tight-throat when Fantine and Valjean died. That melody, simple yet beautiful. And the usage of light...we want to watch it again!!! Waaah!!!

pakcik said...

i love that song from Hairspray called "Timeless To Me"...heard that song while watching the movie, and the next day i posted and entry about it in my blog, dedicated it to JY.

but, i still prefer "Come What May". sad sad :(

joshua said...

Never mind the rest, I am still in shawk what you wrote about the Evita thingy. =P

David The Man said...

Yup, I agree with Savante... loved the Masquerade from The Phantom Of The Opera...

So, go and do your meme when the new year arrives, yea... Wanna know what your new year resolutions or promises are like!

qwazymonkey said...

What? No MOULIN ROUGE? u suck!

Kit said...

ooo what a coincidence. i was humming the line 'everything's as if we never said goodbye...' loudly in the car just a few hours ago. i love musicals. oh the one that i love from les mis is 'empty chairs and empty spaces..." sorry don't really know the actual names of the song. oh have you seen jesus christ superstar? that's fun too.