Sunday, March 04, 2007

Fifteenth Night

And so the new year as celebrated by us Chinese the world over comes to an end. Even now, as I'm typing this, I'm hearing sporadic bursts of fireworks as people in the valley finish up their stocks of illegal pyrokinetic explosives. Perhaps I'll get another city-wide show come midnight.

Or perhaps everyone will be too busy throwing leftover tangerines into rivers.

As the Chinese say, another year another year older. And here I am, another year older indeed. It says something when blowing out the candles on your cake creates enough smoke to set off smoke alarms. Probably something like, "Those bitches used really cheap candles".

I've joined the league of thirty-somethings now.

-waves hi to Jay-

I suppose one has to stop denying one's old when one starts buying real curtains for one's place.

The Chinese also say, "New year, new prospects". And this new year does hold several promising prospects. I just wonder where they lead to. Whatever it is, I'm pretty content to go with the flow for now.

In any case, I'm not thinking too much about it because I really don't have the time. I've got one night only, one night only... oops... digressed way off there. Way, way off.

I meant to say that I've been kind of busy and will continue being kind of busy for the next few weeks. It is, after all, March. The celebrations don't simply stop after these fifteen days.

In fact, Chinese New Year has ended just in time for me to rip open whatever few red packets I have collected, count the money, and go gift-shopping. March is the month of many birthday boys and girls - including my niece and my cousin's wife and first daughter (second one's due this month as well), as well as a number of friends including the pink pilot. Honestly, I'm having so much trouble keeping track - seems like in every one or two days, I'll remember another someone with a March birthday. Can we all just contra the presents and simply buy something for ourselves?

I'm secretly thankful some of them aren't here. Shhh! Don't tell them.

Anyway, for one last time (this year), Happy New Year! Hope everybody's had a porky great start to the year :)

Happy Chap Goh Meh!


Anonymous said...

Happy bday babe...

daniel henry said...

happy chap goh mei

the other person's bday is mine...

Janvier said...

Ah, happy thirties. A friend was just saying that he can feel 'something', now that whenever he fills a form that requires age the first digit is a '3'. Yikes. Hope you don't feel that way.

snowdrop said...

happy (belated?) birthday!! and welcome to the 30s... i keep saying this, but it REALLY isnt as bad as it sounds. enjoy!!

William said...

The inevitable... I like the beli langsir part.

savante said...

OMG What's wrong with buying curtains!

And happy belated, man! Does that mean we're born in the same year?

pakcik said...

oh...belated bday to you..should tell me least can belanja u makan 'secret recipe'. :)

did u throw any orange ah during chap goh mei..wishing for the right guy to come n marry u ar..hehe..

executorlouis said...

Happy belated birthday!

The thirties ain't so bad (what do i know actually?) - twinks will love you for the stability and wisdom you bring and older hunks will still see you as yummilicious. It's the prime time of your life so enjoy! ;)

*hums One Night Only*

Stephen said...

Welcome to the 30s. Really it's fine. I say that now that I'm 35 and therefore officially closer to That Other Age (gulp) than 30...

Spot said...

Welcome to the 30s and happy belated birthday! I just had one too. :) We're the same star sign - fish!

Every year got fish!