Monday, March 12, 2007


We must have the most cleverest translators here in our little country. So clever they can take a simple title like "300" and expand it to "300 Pahlawan Berani Mati" (300 Warriors Braving Death). Like, do they get paid by the number of words they use?

But oh, the movie.




Storyline: Pheh. Whatever. Nobody who'd want to watch it for the story would... actually, nobody would want to watch it for the story.

This movie is all about visual experience. And what a feast for the eyes it is indeed. Wanna know what a painting coming to life would look like? Watch this movie.

Practically every frame of almost every scene is just beautiful. The sunlight, the wheat, the mountains, the water, the sand, the cloths, the metals, the blood (every drop of it and I really do mean every drop)... everything is just rendered with such artistry you know that none of it can be real. Especially with the teeth - how anyone in that era could have such pearly white teeth (even though they smudged in black stuff in between the teeth) is beyond me.

Probably the only thing that looked ugly was the scene in which good king Leonidas climbed the mountain up to the Oracle. I mean those boulders and mountainside looked like they came out of a cheap stage production.

And of course, the battle scenes were lovely. Balletic, you could say. And very Matrix-like with the speed-up/slow-down sequencing. And like the kung-fu movies of yore (and today, come think of it), one man is enough to take down a hundred. Even a rhino and couple of dumb elephants get thrown in for a bonus.

I haven't said anything about the men. But, is there really anything I need to say about the men? Anyone who's heard of the movie would already know what to expect - no bare flesh ever gets exposed.

Unless it's got a six-pack ab that's hard enough to scrub elephant skin on.


Little Prince said...

mmm even u watched it de...

Anonymous said...

I LOVED the movie. I've now got Gerard Butler firmly on my list of Men I Want To Have Sex With.

William said...

At least they didn't translate it to "Tiga Kosong Kosong".

pakcik said...

dont like the movie at all..such a waste of my money..ish..

Anonymous said...

admit it, u were there just for the half naked men...

quit talking bout the art aspect...


thompsonboy said...

Official Gay movie of the year so far from what I gathered.

Stephen said...

I would want to watch it for the story! Or at least the whole story of the Greek-Persion wars. 300 Spartans against a million Persians... the king of kings against an alliance of the world's first democracy and proto-fascist Sparta. The Athenians prepared to abandon their city and watch it burn to the ground in order to win the greater war...

But I fear I'm just going to get annoyed if I take my brain with me to the cinema, as it seems from the trailers that the Spartans are going to war against the Orcs, not the Persians. I want my Persians to be pretty-boy perfumed transvestites (i.e. wearing trousers unlike the manly skirt-wearing Greeks).

I'll just have to take a box of tissues instead of my brain then.

Anonymous said...

I want my Persians to be pretty-boy perfumed transvestites

So THAT'S your type :-)

Spot said...

But if storylines are just pheh/achkkkkptuiii minor minor elements of a movie and all that matters is the visuals (and I agree, the movie excelled in that aspect)....might as well read the comic?

Or watch porn? :)

Anyone's who's played Age of Empires can tell that Spartan Hoplites didn't go to war only in their undies and pretty capes.

Persian kings don't look like Dalhsim from the Street Fighter game.

And laconic speech doesn't translate to Spartan kings speaking like Welsh rugby meatheads.

We laughed our way through the movie at least it was very entertaining!!

Stephen said...

I want my Persians to be pretty-boy perfumed transvestites

So THAT'S your type :-)

Oh dear, should have thought more about what I was typing.

That, boys and girls, is what happens when you rant.

Anyway, I used to have swimming lessons with a Persian Iranian guy a couple of years ago. He was very much more the six-pack type :)

Anonymous said...

The problem with basing your movie on actual events is that everybody expects accuracy!

Me, I went into the cinema knowing nothing about the Spartans, or the Persians, or the Battle of Thermopylae, so it really was just a fun, prettily shot and (art) directed action flick cum fleshfest.

And Stephen... there's nothing wrong with liking trnsvestites. I recently met this gorgeous Aussie guy who LOVES ladyboys.

Sadly, I wasn't his type :-p

Stephen said...

I recently met this gorgeous Aussie guy who LOVES ladyboys

I really don't get the ladyboy thing. I was told by a straight(ish) guy that it was because they look like women, but give better head.

No, not a fan of men with boobs I'm afraid. I leave that to my sister, she used to be married to one.

Anonymous said...

Well, I asked the Aussie guy if he preferred pre-ops or post-ops.

"I really don't care either way. As long as they don't try to fuck me."

Oh, and he told me that he prefers ladyboys to real women because ladyboys are 'less bitchy' and 'less demanding' and they make him feel more like a man.


savante said...

All I have to say is.. yay jay is alive!! :)

ANd yeah, I loved 300 too.

Janvier said...

The visual aesthetics was ab. So. Lutely. Gorgeous.

And very videogamey, too. With disfigured sub-bosses to the next level or summat.

drownedglass said...

Erm... why not?

Jay and Stephen. And Jay. And Stephen. And Jay and Stephen. And Jay again:
I think I'll just sit back and watch you two trade comments...

Lol. I think they would felt they wouldn't be earning their pay if they simply translated '300' as, well... '300'.

If you had wanted to watch a fleshfest, you would have liked it. Obviously you weren't looking for a fleshfest. Which raises the question - why did you even go?

That's needless to say. I was just impressed by the whole art direction, which was like a bonus on top of the half-naked men :P

I thought Official Gay Movie of the Year was Dreamgirls? Or are you talking about the American cinema timeline in which case, Dreamgirls is so last year ;)

I wouldn't expected you to understand the draw of 300 hunkalicious men anyway :P

He is! And apparently using my blog to vent his pent-up blogging impulse.

Haha. You know what I first read?

The visual aesthetics was ab.

Have to agree with you there...

Anonymous said...

Sorry - didn't mean to use your commentbox for idle chatter! :-)

Stephen said...

Oops, we do seem to have taken over your blog... sorry about that! But to mix up the sword 'n' sandal epics a bit, were you not entertained?

Sam said...

You noticed the teeth too huh?