Monday, September 18, 2006

Drowned Glass, Reincarnate

I ask you, do you want to come and play?
Get the world to come and play.
So sit back, relax, fasten your seatbelts!
It's going to be a bumpy ride
To the other side...
Christina Aguilera : Enter The Circus

He takes a breath, drawing in the scent of evening air cleared by the late shower. Clean. Fresh. Alive. He takes a look about himself, appraising the lay of the land. Above the far horizon, the twilight bends, breaking into an arc of fragmented colors.

He sits. He smiles. He has come home.

Ah, the feeling of laying new ink on a fresh page. Alright. So it's actually the tapping away on the keyboard, making words materialise on a freshly reloaded screen. But the gist of it is there. It's the start of something new. Or, in this case, the continuation of something familiar in a new place.

There once was a blog called drowned glass. It's still there (at least for now). But I don't blog there anymore. Sometimes, a guy just needs to move on. And this is where I've moved to.

New blog, new name, still the same gay old me. Don't expect me to be any wiser than I've been. Or wittier. Or whatever-er. I'm just here to record my days in the hope of seeing where I've been, to get an inkling of where I'm going. If you care to come along for the ride, you're most welcome. I accept constructive comments, friendly gestures, fabulous gifts and most major credit cards (though cash is always preferred).

Ready? Then here we go!


Will said...

I lvoe how there's barbed wire just beside your's so very you.

Kasih, mimpi dan diri dengan kawat berduri.

Anonymous said...

dammit, have to update my blogroll. ish, why can't u stay unique and not conform to blogspot? Ish!

=P Love the new place btw, here's a vase.

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You can put flower in it. =)

Ash-->for some reason, i can't post logged in.

savante said...

Wah, why suddenly move leh.

Anonymous said...

Btw, did you manage to move your archives over to this blog or do you intend to just leave it as it is?

Spot said...

I like the colour scheme!

Are you going to leave that blogger bar up there though?


NICE FONT! (what font is that? I want!)

Anonymous said...

Nice lay out. Clean and pleasant to the eye. Wish you well on your new epic and journey to discover a richer and wonderful life. Cheers J

Jay said...

First bug - my comment totally disappeared! Investigate!

Once again, Selamat Datang Ke Kelab Blogspot. It's not perfect, but at least we're all together-gether.

That photo is VERY nice. Great choice.

executorlouis said...

The rainbow and all is so pretty. Great color scheme. Will miss the old Drowned Glass, but here comes Dua. Well done! =)

Anonymous said...

Welcome to and good luck in your new home. The banner and title match each other perfectly - which one did you choose first?

drownedglass said...

Oh yes. I may be pretty to look at but woe to those who encroach on my boundaries! :P

Honestly, I would have much preferred to stay 'unique' but it was costing me. Ever since they changed their focus to paid accounts, the free features suffered a little. That wasn't the bad part. More than that, I've been having problems such as poor server response times, comments not uploading, practically non-existent support... Anyway hope it's easier here.

About your problem with the comment - according to Blogger, if you haven't switched to beta then you might get some errors. What you can do is preview your comment before posting it. That's supposed to get you around the bug.

Oh and thanks so much for the lovely vase! :D

Like I said to Ash, too many service-related problems cropping up at the old place. Had to get out before the whole thing falls on my head, you know.

Think I'll leave it la. Still got sentiment for the old place, you know. That, and it's a damn bother to move the archives.

Not too sure how to delete the blogger bar but what the heck, the new bar for beta is cleaner and more useful than the original one. Gives me instant sign-in as well as saving me the trouble of installing an external 'search within this blog' function.

I'm glad you approve of the banner, though of course, it's not my own photo. And the font's Arial.

Oh wait, you didn't mean the regular text font did you? :P

The font I used for beneath a bent sky is called 'Dragonfly'. The scribbly one for drowned glass is 'Bailey MF'. Don't think anyone would notice the miniscule, nearly-invisible 'LTibetan' fonts that say mitra in the corner of the banner. They're all free fonts available for download off the net.

Hmmm... doubt a clean layout for my blog would herald a richer and wonderful life. But thanks for the well-wishes anyway :)

Grrr... Can't believe the bugs appearing to mar by grand launch. Humph!

As explained to Ash, try previewing the comment before you publish it. Then for future posts you'd be alright. If that doesn't work, hit Blogger on the head.

I love my photo too! Oh wait, you didn't mean the profile photo, did you?

-blush- Thanks, Louis!

The banner photo is really awesome so it's really thanks to the guy who took it then licensed it under Creative Commons, meaning I get to use his work (properly accredited, of course) without falling into piracy :)

The colour scheme is a toned-down version of my previous blog. Yep, green still rules here. And this shade is much closer to my apartment wall now. Hehe.

Thanks for noticing! I actually started with the thought of continuing with the 'drowned glass' name, but realised if I was going to move sites and change the look, may as well go the whole way and change the name.

So I came up with the new concept and then worked around it. Hunted for a suitable picture (flickr is an amazing resource) and toyed with a few titles, all tied to the central theme. I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out, and am really relieved to hear all the positive feedback :)

Legolas said...


Nice work.

I'm loving it.

drownedglass said...

Honestly, I don't do dom perignon but there's bottles of vodka lying about my place. Hehe.

I'm on Blogger Beta which provides some customisation tools including editing the comment name, among other things. Without Beta, you can still change it by editing the html directly. But that's if you know html, and I can't help you much there.

And yeah. I'm hoping Blogspot will prove to be a better service than what I had before :)

Report accepted. With much thanks :)

Was the sneaky reference to the golden arches intentional?

Xavier said...

congrats on ur new shift!

jia you!

Anonymous said...

nice layout.. juz love the banner to bits =)