Thursday, July 26, 2007

Words Get In The Way

As much as I do love to hear the sound of my own voice... as it appears on paper (or screen) anyhow... I don't actually sit down and pound something out on a paper everyday (besides work stuff which is mainly technical mumbo-jumbo though sometimes no less creative). I've been known to pull stories out of the hat in classroom scenarios but generally speaking, I'm not much one for write-on-demand.

(Guess it's time to forget my dreams of getting paid for what I write...)

Take for example my lesser known blog (compared to this already not so well-known one) here. I do dabble in poetry every now and then, and before I started blogging, it was what I mainly wrote (I'm too lazy and uninspired to work on that Great Novel). If I remember correctly, I kinda started BoM&M not only to show off what I could do (on occassion) but also to keep me writing bits of poetry every now and then. Oh look, and the last post was half a year ago. Which, incidentally, was a post of something I had written a year or two ago. Or was it three?

Time to go rummage for more old stuff I've yet to post.

Oh well, words do fail me sometimes. Though mostly it's my brains that fail me first.

So, for all those times when I've nothing better to say, I may just put up a pic or two. In yet another space tucked over here.

There you go, folks - pics, poetry and persona. My own little triumvirate of blogs. To let everyone know that, hey, I'm keeping in touch.

Even if it does take me a while to update.



daniel henry said...

lame o lame o wo...

savante said...

No worries, we await each gem with breath that is bated.