Monday, April 16, 2007


1. Why is the weather now only available in two varieties - drought-scorching heat and flood-inducing storm, often both on the same day?

2. Why did the security guard at the bank leave his rifle by the automated teller machines, UNATTENDED AND IN PLAIN VIEW?

3. Why are those cubicles in the gym called showers when there's nothing more than a trickle coming out?

4. Why do people insist on turning the air-conditioning way up just so they can sleep under a blanket?

5. And wind up showering with hot water in the morning because it's too cold after having slept the whole night with the air-conditioning turned way up?

6. Why should an employee place the interests of the company first, when a company exists as an entity only because of an entry in a register, while the employee is an actual human being?

7. Why do we have to pay so much for a product that uses the money we paid to convince us we need to buy that product in the first place?

8. Why am I neither lithe nor nubile?


daniel henry said...

and why do you ask so much of questions when i'm sure that you already have the answers?

human suka je sendiri mari chin...
it's called LIFE. la la la... hahahahahaha!!!

Stephen said...

Well at least I can answer number 3 -

- because you'd be too embarrassed to tell your gym buddies you were going to have a quick dribble after your workout.

Anonymous said...

I sometimes do #4. Coz snuggling under blankets make a great comfort when there isn't someone else hugging you to sleep.

It's the best I can do, sometimes...

Janvier said...

No. 3 refers to FF Curve? We've been hoping that they'd have resolved that issue a couple of weeks back. We're just thankful that we *can* shower now.

No. 4 - because we sleep better, so much more better.

savante said...

Man, you're already sexy enough without being lithe or nubile. if you were that, I'd be mauling you on the streets.

Anonymous said...

Item #4 and #5 are definitely referring to me, some ppl just hafta sleep under the duvet, and im one of them...

why do you think they come up with the phrase 'tuck in' for?

pakcik said...

no 4 : i dont sleep under my duvet. i sleep on top of it. :)

no 5 : i dont sleep with neither air cond or fan on. i usually leave my window slightly open for the nite breeze to enter. n i prefer my morning shower to be icy cold...

no 6 : cause company pay u salary ma.