Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Neuf Said...

I've been served with a summons! OK, maybe less dramatic than that. Let's try again.

I've been tagged with a meme!

Well, if Joss Stone can finally "introduce" herself three albums later, I suppose I could do the same thing, like, half a year into my second blog. Here's to things you may not have learnt about me (and may probably not learn by the end of this meme)...

Part 1: on the outside
name : drownedglass (one word, completely in lowercase, in case you haven't noticed). I have other names (some more real than others), but you either know that already or you don't.
date of birth : It's somewhere in this blog. Or the last one.
current status : Sitting down.
eye color : Dark brown
hair color : Black. With brown highlights. If you squint really hard.
right of left handed : Dexter. Not sinister
zodiac : If you already know my date of birth, you'd figure this one out yourself.

Part 2: on the inside
my heritage : People like to ask me if I'm Malay/Thai/mixed. I like to tell them yes, I'm of mixed parentage. I may or may not tell them that by that, I meant Teochew cham Hokkien.
my fear : Acrophobia
my weakness : Erm... I'm too nice? Especially too really cute guys?
my perfect pizza : Hmm... no real preference... just that it's got to be savoury and loaded with meat. Yeah...

Part 3: yesterday, today & tomorrow
your first thought waking up : What's the time? OK I can sleep some more.
tomorrow : Ho hum. I hope I brought enough books and shows to get me through tomorrow. And the day after.
your bedtime : I'm never asleep at that time.
most missed memory : Oh it's that time when... oh damn. It's missing. Again.

Part 4: your pick
pepsi or coke : I'd like to buy the world a Coke
mcD or burger king : Burger King has real burgers.
single or group dates : OK. Do you call it a date if you're all by yourself? Dating a group... that sounds fun.
adidas or nike : Revere Adi
lipton tea or nestea : Not much of a choice is it?
chocolate or vanila : Choc. Vanilla is only good when it goes with something - like OJ. Or vanilla icecream smothered in hot fudge... I suppose that brings me back to choc :P
cappuccino or coffee : Coffee. Pure, unadulterated coffee.

Part 5: do you..
smoke : Yes. 18 months ago, I did.
curse : Yes. But the d@!% s#*+e don't seem to work. Maybe if I lit some candles and performed a blood sacrifice.

Part 6: in the past month
drank alcohol : I drank on Monday. And Saturday before that. And... and... okay, so my name is drownedglass and I know this guy who likes to drink...
gone to the mail? : I've been to Gmail... Unless Le Geeque actually meant "gone to the MALL", in which case, yes, too many times. Like, why is this even relevant?
been on stage : I've been in front of a stage but not on it.
eaten sushi : No. Must remedy that.

Part 7: what were you doing
1 minute ago : Working on Part 6 above (I type slow)
1 hour ago : Eating Kolo mee, as the locals call it.
4 1/2 hours ago : Like this is such a bad attempt at being random. 4-1/2 hours ago, I was in a very serious meeting. Yes, working. Even if it looked like I was sitting in a coffeeshop talking to a guy and having tea. But you know it's really about work because I'm telling you he's ugly.
1 month ago : Celebrating birthdays. To be very nearly precise, Wingedman's birthday
1 year ago : Recovering from a trip to see old rocks.

Part 8: finish the sentence
i love : beautiful things, beautiful places, beautiful moments.
i feel : sleepy in the day, restless at night.
i hate : the highly prejudiced, zealots, and warmongers.
i hide : things I won't tell you about.
i miss : Melbourne.
i need : .

Part 9: tag five people
1. Someone who really really really wants to do this
2. Someone else who really really really wants to do this
3. Someone whose life depends on doing this
4. Someone who hasn't blogged in a month or more
5. Someone whose name begins with the number 2 (let me know if there really is someone who gets tagged by this)


savante said...

Vanilla and OJ. I am trying to imagine that combination!

Anonymous said...

I only buy Nike trainers, but I actually think Adidas is way cooler as a brand. Well, more than LA Gear anyway. And congratulations on not smoking for so long - I'm sure your future lou kong will appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

real smartass, aint ya? C'mon, we wanna know your REAL name...

i wont call BK burgers REAL burgers...and what did you drink on Monday?

I miss Melbourne too...

EarlGreyTea said...

hmm... in kuching hia?