Sunday, May 20, 2007

La La La (Part 1)

Scream, you two-timing starlet! Screeaaammm!

Hmm. I might have misquoted that one. But really, that's what the guy's sentiment should have been anyway. Like, there was this dancer, right, and she like, wanted to become a singer? No no, I'm not talking about Paula A.

But anyway, right, this dancer who like, wanted to become a singer, right, used her feminine charms on this genius but who has half a rotten ugly face with the rather unfortunate name of OG. And OG, right, he like, taught her to sing soprano and all, and even bullied out the resident diva so that the she could have her break. Killed some people too! And when she got all that, what did she do? The hussy runs off with a young, rich, handsome, probably well-endowed but otherwise totally useless nobleman who once saved her scarf but failed to save her modesty. And how she rubbed OG's half rotten ugly face in it.

Why, if I were her, I would've... would've... done the same. Didn't I say he was young, rich, handsome, and probably well-endowed?

Ah, life in the musicals. The drama's cheesy, but what a show!

Watching The Phantom for the second time (third, if you count the movie but we all know movies don't count) was great. Better still, what with Marc sitting next to me. The show lived up to all my expectations, as it should, and was worth every cent I had spent on it. Again.

Well, I might have remembered a few things differently. Or rather, my deteriorating memory might have embellished certain things. Like the chandelier did not crash down so dramatically (it was slowly and rather awkwardly lowered). But otherwise, oh my, oh my!

Musicals are such that when it's a good one, you should go watch it only after you know all the songs by heart. That way, you can enjoy the music without struggling to understand what they're singing, which leaves you free to pay attention to all the going ons on stage.

I must say my heart was just beating wildly when the lights went down. Of all the musicals, Phantom must have the best opening of all. Starting rather mysteriously (for those who haven't seen it before) with an auction scene, we are tantalised by the tinkling from a monkey music box. Then, the chandelier is revealed and raised, the orchestra kicks off, and we see the stage being transformed back to the glory of the opera house.

Sigh. I'd go again and again just for that one scene.

It was an amazing night. The sets were fantastic, the tricks and illusions were wonderful, and the principals... such great, strong vocals. Perhaps it helped that the last time I watched this it was... shit... 1997. But yes, I was impressed. All over again.

Now if only I could go watch my absolute most favourite musical one more time - Les Mis! But that's kinda wishful thinking for now. Hmm... wonder if catching another musical right now would be overkill. Especially one that most certainly would not stand up to any comparison against Phantom.

Oh, what the heck. A night out's still a night out. And a night out with music would be even better :)


Anonymous said...

did u catch it in london? coz they're still showing les mis every night here.

Anonymous said...

Yeah babe, why dont we go for a musical marathon in Westend together?

savante said...

Thought of watching it again but decided to save the dough :) But you're right. Have always loved the opening sequence.

Stephen said...

I remember sitting under the chandelier and just hoping it was held up by a good strong rope. It does have a great opening, but I think I prefer the start of Wicked.

As for Les Mis... never seen it. I've seen at least one of the hundred or so film versions, but not the musical.

Anonymous said...

yea.. a quickie to london will bring u les mis. a friend recently stopped over to just watch the show.. how glam!

anyway heard from another friend that phantom does really worth it.. will fork out money to watch it next round =)

Anonymous said...

loved the opening sequence too, the music box bit... my first musical... on CD


joshua said...

whoa... what seats did u take?

i watched from the SGD160 region and the view was really good yet far away... the chandelier scene is classic... loved it!


MrBunnyBan said...

Phantom and Les mis! Excellent choices. Those are my favs- though as a child I liked Cats more. :P

Legolas said...

I watched Phantom too. It was fabulous. It was a moment free of problematic thoughts and I just enjoyed every minute of it. Excellent show.

Anonymous said...


the first time i caught it in princess theatre, the opening scene almost gave me a heart attack! My fav scene was when the chandelier was crashing :D I like seeing things crash :)

Anonymous said...

Phantom is my favourite musical! Watched it twice, first time in Singapore back when I was 17(!), and later in London where we sat right under the chandelier...woohoo! Now I kinda regret not going for the recent run in Singapore...=P