Sunday, April 05, 2009

Hana For Sunday


I smiled to myself as I sliced through the mushrooms, thinking it's a tad bit indulgent to be doing this. I'd normally just make a standard instant noodle thing when eating alone at home, but I figured a little effort once in a while wouldn't hurt. Mummy would approve.

So there I was slicing mushrooms as the oil heated up in my saucepan. Chucking the slices in and threw in some chunks of canned salmon as well. I fried for a bit then poured it all out for later.

Filling the saucepan with boiling water, I threw in a pack of instant noodles, turned the fire low, then went off to brush my teeth. By the time my teeth were done, so were the noodles. Good. I drained off a good portion of the water in the saucepan, sprinkled in a little of the instant noodle seasoning (not too much, since I'm not using enough water for soup), then cracked in an egg. Off came the pan from the fire, and I mixed the eggs and seasoning into the noodles.

Noodles get slopped onto a plate, the salmon and mushrooms are thrown on top, then I sprinkled in pine nuts and flowers. Yes, flowers! I'm a fairy, no doubt about it.

So that's my breakfast for one on a Sunday morning. Who says eating alone is boring?

Hana Nissin - Noodles in seafood-flavored egg sauce,
served with sauteed salmon and mushroom, toasted pine nuts,
and a fresh floral salad


joshua said...

Apasal bangun awal-awal pagi on a sunny Sunday?


And mana cari the flowers? So fairy. And oh-so-OMG-you-are-eating them?

qwazymonkey said...

toasted? Hmm looks abit-more-than-toasted pine nuts leh. Hehe. See, and you wonder why you're a food blogger!

Janvier said...

Flower Nissin - nice, but too much work for us! :P

savante said...

Fuyooh. Ada bunga lagi!

Sam said...

So are the flowers edible or just the noodley bits?

Leon Koh said...

so colorful!

Wandernut said...

It looks so pretty and appetizing!!! I WANT!!

b said...

someone is becoming quite a cook...